Need CAPL Script to Get the Value of a Particular Byte of a First CAN Message?
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Need CAPL Script to Get the Value of a Particular Byte of a First CAN Message?

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Are you struggling to extract the value of a specific byte from the first CAN message sent periodically over the CAN bus? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of CAPL scripting and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to achieve this task.

What is CAPL Scripting?

CAPL (CAN Access Programming Language) is a scripting language used to interact with CAN (Controller Area Network) bus systems. It’s a powerful tool for developing test cases, simulating CAN bus traffic, and analyzing CAN messages. CAPL scripting is widely used in the automotive industry, particularly for testing and validating CAN-based systems.

The Problem Statement

You have a CAN bus system that sends periodic messages, and you need to extract the value of a particular byte from the first message. Sounds simple, right? However, without the right tools and knowledge, this task can be daunting. That’s where CAPL scripting comes in.


Before we dive into the CAPL script, make sure you have the following:

  • A basic understanding of CAN bus protocols and message structures
  • A CAN bus analyzer or simulator software (e.g., Vector CANalyzer or CANoe)
  • A CAPL scripting editor or IDE (e.g., Vector’s CAPL Editor or Eclipse)

Step 1: Define the CAN Message Structure

In this step, we’ll define the structure of the CAN message you want to extract the byte value from. Let’s assume the message has the following structure:

Byte Index Byte Value (Hex)
0 Header (0x12 0x34)
1 Identifier (0x56 0x78)
2 Data Byte 1 (0x01 0x02)
3 Data Byte 2 (0x03 0x04)

In this example, we want to extract the value of the third byte (Data Byte 1).

Step 2: Write the CAPL Script

Now that we have the message structure defined, let’s write the CAPL script to extract the value of the third byte. Create a new CAPL file in your preferred editor and add the following code:

// Define the CAN message filter
message filter msgFilter = 
  id == 0x123, 
  dlc == 8, 
  data[0] == 0x12, 
  data[1] == 0x34, 
  data[2] == '*', 
  data[3] == '*', 

// Create a global variable to store the extracted byte value
byte extractedByte;

// Define the on message receives event handler
on message received msgFilter 
  // Extract the third byte value
  extractedByte =[2];
  // Print the extracted byte value to the console
  print("Extracted byte value: ", extractedByte);

Let’s break down the script:

  • The `message filter` block defines the filter criteria for the CAN message we want to extract the byte value from.
  • The `on message received` event handler is triggered when a CAN message matching the filter criteria is received.
  • Inside the event handler, we extract the third byte value using `[2]` and store it in the `extractedByte` variable.
  • Finally, we print the extracted byte value to the console using the `print` function.

Step 3: Run the CAPL Script

Save the CAPL file and load it into your CAN bus analyzer or simulator software. Make sure the software is configured to receive CAN messages from the physical bus or simulate the bus traffic.

When the script is executed, it will print the extracted byte value to the console whenever a CAN message matching the filter criteria is received.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to consider:

  • Use a more specific filter criteria**: If you have multiple CAN messages with the same identifier, you can add more filter criteria to specify the exact message you want to extract the byte value from.
  • Extract multiple byte values**: Simply add more variables and extract the corresponding byte values using `[x]`, where `x` is the byte index.
  • Perform calculations on the extracted byte value**: You can use CAPL’s built-in arithmetic operations to perform calculations on the extracted byte value, such as converting it to a decimal or hexadecimal value.
  • Store the extracted byte value in a file or database**: Instead of printing the value to the console, you can use CAPL’s file I/O functions to store the extracted byte value in a file or database for further analysis.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to write a CAPL script to extract the value of a particular byte from the first CAN message sent periodically over the CAN bus. By following these steps and tips, you’ll be able to create your own CAPL scripts to extract and manipulate CAN message data.

Remember to practice and experiment with different scenarios to improve your CAPL scripting skills. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Additional Resources

For more information on CAPL scripting and CAN bus protocols, check out the following resources:

  • Vector’s CAPL Documentation: A comprehensive guide to CAPL scripting, including syntax, functions, and examples.
  • CAN in Automation (CiA): A non-profit organization providing information and resources on CAN bus protocols and applications.
  • Wikipedia’s CAN Bus Article: A detailed overview of the CAN bus protocol, including its history, architecture, and applications.

We hope this article has helped you achieve your goal of extracting the value of a particular byte from the first CAN message. Happy scripting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on how to retrieve the value of a particular byte from the first CAN message sent periodically over the CAN bus!

What is the purpose of getting the value of a particular byte from the first CAN message?

The purpose is to extract specific information or data from the CAN message, which is crucial for various applications such as vehicle diagnostics, industrial automation, or IoT devices. This extracted data can be used for analysis, processing, or transmission to other systems.

How can I identify the first CAN message sent over the CAN bus?

You can identify the first CAN message by using a CAN bus analyzer or a programming language such as Python or C++ with a CAN library. These tools allow you to monitor and capture CAN traffic, enabling you to identify the first message sent over the bus.

What is the importance of specifying the byte location in the CAN message?

Specifying the byte location is crucial because CAN messages can have multiple bytes, and each byte may contain different information. By specifying the exact byte location, you can extract the desired data from the correct byte, ensuring accuracy and reliability in your application.

Can I use a CAPL script to get the value of a particular byte of a first CAN message?

Yes, you can use a CAPL (CAN Access Programming Language) script to get the value of a particular byte of a first CAN message. CAPL is a powerful scripting language specifically designed for CAN communication and can be used to interact with CAN interfaces, extract data, and perform various operations.

How can I write an efficient CAPL script to retrieve the value of a particular byte?

To write an efficient CAPL script, you can use the `on message` event to capture the first CAN message, and then use the `byte()` function to extract the desired byte value. For example, `on message * {byte(2)}` would extract the value of the second byte of the message. You can then store this value in a variable or use it for further processing.

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