I’m Trying to Replicate a Digital Twin Model in IoT using Contiki OS and Cooja Simulator: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Network Topology with Intermediate Nodes
Image by Arvon - hkhazo.biz.id

I’m Trying to Replicate a Digital Twin Model in IoT using Contiki OS and Cooja Simulator: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Network Topology with Intermediate Nodes

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As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to revolutionize the way we live and work, the importance of digital twin models cannot be overstated. A digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical system or process, and it has numerous applications in IoT, from predictive maintenance to real-time monitoring. In this article, we’ll explore how to create a digital twin model in IoT using Contiki OS and Cooja simulator, with a focus on setting up a network topology with intermediate nodes.

What is Contiki OS and Cooja Simulator?

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s take a brief look at what Contiki OS and Cooja simulator are.

Contiki OS is an open-source operating system designed for low-power, low-memory devices, making it an ideal choice for IoT applications. It’s highly portable and can run on a wide range of devices, from tiny sensors to powerful servers.

Cooja simulator, on the other hand, is a cross-platform simulator for Contiki OS. It allows developers to simulate and test IoT applications in a controlled environment, making it easier to deploy and debug IoT systems.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • A computer with a compatible operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux)
  • Contiki OS installed on your computer
  • Cooja simulator installed on your computer
  • A basic understanding of C programming and IoT concepts

Creating a Network Topology with Intermediate Nodes

Now that we have our tools in place, let’s create a network topology with intermediate nodes using Cooja simulator.

Step 1: Launch Cooja Simulator

Open a terminal or command prompt on your computer and navigate to the folder where you installed Cooja simulator. Type the following command to launch Cooja:


This will launch the Cooja simulator graphical user interface.

Step 2: Create a New Simulation

In the Cooja simulator window, click on “File” -> “New” to create a new simulation.

In the “New Simulation” dialog box, enter a name for your simulation and select “Contiki OS” as the platform. Click “Create” to create the simulation.

Step 3: Add Nodes to the Simulation

In the Cooja simulator window, click on “Motes” -> “Add Mote” to add a new node to the simulation.

In the “Add Mote” dialog box, select “Sky mote” as the mote type and click “Add” to add the node.

Repeat this process to add multiple nodes to the simulation. For our example, we’ll add five nodes, labeled Node 1 to Node 5.

Step 4: Configure Node Properties

Click on each node to select it, and then click on the “Properties” tab in the right-hand panel.

In the “Properties” tab, configure the node properties as follows:

Node 1:

  • Radio: Select “CC2420”
  • Power Source: Select “Battery”
  • Location: Set X coordinate to 0, Y coordinate to 0

Node 2:

  • Radio: Select “CC2420”
  • Power Source: Select “Battery”
  • Location: Set X coordinate to 100, Y coordinate to 0

Node 3:

  • Radio: Select “CC2420”
  • Power Source: Select “Battery”
  • Location: Set X coordinate to 200, Y coordinate to 0

Node 4:

  • Radio: Select “CC2420”
  • Power Source: Select “Battery”
  • Location: Set X coordinate to 300, Y coordinate to 0

Node 5:

  • Radio: Select “CC2420”
  • Power Source: Select “Battery”
  • Location: Set X coordinate to 400, Y coordinate to 0

Step 5: Create a Network Topology

Now that we have our nodes configured, let’s create a network topology with intermediate nodes.

Click on “Topology” -> “New Topology” to create a new topology.

In the “New Topology” dialog box, select “Wireless” as the topology type and click “Create” to create the topology.

In the topology editor, click on Node 1 and drag it to Node 2 to create a wireless link between the two nodes. Repeat this process to create the following links:

  • Node 2 -> Node 3
  • Node 3 -> Node 4
  • Node 4 -> Node 5

This will create a network topology with Node 1 as the source node, Node 2 and Node 3 as intermediate nodes, and Node 5 as the destination node.

Simulating the Network Topology

Now that we have our network topology set up, let’s simulate the network to see how the nodes communicate with each other.

Step 1: Compile the Contiki OS Code

In the Cooja simulator window, click on “Motes” -> “Compile” to compile the Contiki OS code for each node.

Step 2: Start the Simulation

Click on “Simulation” -> “Start” to start the simulation.

The simulation will run for a specified duration, during which the nodes will communicate with each other according to the network topology.


In this article, we’ve seen how to create a network topology with intermediate nodes using Contiki OS and Cooja simulator. By following these steps, you can create a digital twin model of an IoT system, complete with a network topology that simulates real-world communication scenarios.

Remember to experiment with different network topologies, node properties, and simulation durations to gain a deeper understanding of IoT systems and how they work.

Contiki OS and Cooja Simulator Resources
Resource Description
Contiki OS Website The official Contiki OS website, featuring documentation, tutorials, and downloads.
Cooja Simulator Website The official Cooja simulator website, featuring documentation, tutorials, and downloads.
IOT Contiki OS Tutorials A collection of tutorials and guides on using Contiki OS for IoT development.
Cooja Simulator Tutorials A collection of tutorials and guides on using Cooja simulator for IoT simulation.

By mastering Contiki OS and Cooja simulator, you can unlock the full potential of IoT development and create innovative digital twin models that simulate real-world systems with uncanny accuracy.

Frequently Asked Question

Mastering the art of creating a digital twin model in IoT using Contiki OS and Cooja simulator can be a challenge! Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with the most frequently asked questions and answers to help you create a network topology with intermediate nodes.

What is the first step to create a network topology in Cooja simulator?

The first step is to create a new simulation in Cooja by selecting “File” > “New Simulation” and specifying the simulation name, duration, and other basic settings. This will provide a blank canvas for you to design your network topology.

How do I add nodes to my network topology in Cooja?

To add nodes to your network topology, simply drag and drop the “Node” icon from the “Palette” window to the “Simulation” window. You can then configure the node’s settings, such as its ID, position, and radio type, by right-clicking on the node and selecting “Edit Node”.

How can I connect intermediate nodes to create a network topology in Cooja?

To connect intermediate nodes, you can use the “Connection” tool in the “Palette” window. Simply select the connection type (e.g., radio, serial, etc.), and then click and drag between the nodes to establish a connection. You can also configure the connection settings, such as the transmission range and data rate, by right-clicking on the connection and selecting “Edit Connection”.

What is the role of Contiki OS in creating a digital twin model in IoT?

Contiki OS is an operating system designed for IoT devices, which allows you to create a digital twin model by simulating the behavior of real-world devices. It provides a platform for developing and testing IoT applications, including network protocols, device drivers, and sensor interfaces. In the context of Cooja simulator, Contiki OS is used to simulate the behavior of IoT devices in a virtual environment.

How can I validate my network topology design in Cooja?

To validate your network topology design, you can run a simulation in Cooja and analyze the results. Cooja provides various debugging tools, such as the “Mote Output” window, which displays the output of each node, and the “Topology” window, which visualizes the network topology. You can also use Cooja’s built-in metrics, such as packet delivery ratio and latency, to evaluate the performance of your network topology.

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